Adventurer Club


Mission Statement

To support parents and caregivers in leading and encouraging their children in a growing, joyful, love relationship with Jesus. The Adventurer program should work to fulfil the gospel commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and depends on the support of a congregation strong in mission and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Vision Statement

Bring Jesus to your Home.

Who Are We 

The Calgary Crusaders Adventurer Club is a non-profit youth organization
operated by the Calgary Central Seventh-day Adventist Church . The club is
financed by member fees, church subsidies and private donations.
The Adventurer program aims to strengthen the parent/child relationship and to
further the child’s development. Through the program, the church, home, and
school can work together with the parent to develop a mature, happy child.

Parental Responsibility 

Parental involvement is the key to a child’s success . The volunteer staff takes its
responsibility to guide the Adventurers to higher goals seriously, and therefore
expects the parents to understand the importance of the program, and each
parent’s role within it. The Adventurer Club is a fully integrated, spiritually based
educational program designed to supplement your child’s regular school. It is
expected that parents will support their child’s consistent attendance and
participation in meetings and outings, will attend the Sabbath Induction and
Investiture programs, will be open in communication with the club, and will seek to
enrich their children’s experience and achievements.


★ 1 completed Adventurer Registration Package per child.
★ Membership fee is required with the application form.
★ Supplementary fees are required for some activities.
★ Dues of $2 will be collected on regular Sunday meetings
★ Official Enrolment takes place in September, but children may join at any time.

★ Pre-Register for a 50% Discount by June 30th, 2020.  CLICK HERE FOR FORM


Membership is open to all boys and girls, ages 4 – 9 years old, (Pre-K to Grade 4, regardless of race, religion or national origin)

Meetings are usually held on the 3rd weekend of the month on Sabbath afternoons and Sunday mornings but a calendar will be provided at Fall Registration.

For more information email: