Family Ministries

Focused on people and their relationships
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Our Mission & Vision


Family Ministries focuses on the family as a whole and on each individual that comprises the unit. Family Ministries is focused on strengthening the relationships between the individuals in the family — the relationship that connects husband and wife in marriage, parent and child in a unique parent-child bond, family to family in the community of faith and in the wider society. Each individual is essential to the effective functioning of the family.

Our Objectives

Focusing on people in family relationships, Family Ministries reinforces and encourages wholesome families as they pass through life’s predictable stages and contend with unexpected changes in their lives. It extends hope and support to those who have been injured and hurt by abuse, family dysfunction, and broken relationships. The department provides growth opportunities through family life education and enrichment and encourages individuals, married couples, and families to avail themselves of professional counseling when necessary.

from the General Conference Family Ministries Website

1. To proclaim the reviving and restorative message of the everlasting gospel within the context of family living.

2. To affirm and strengthen every Seventh-day Adventist family as a primary discipling unit.

3. To enable parents and families to increase the likelihood of successful transference of Seventh-day Adventist Christian values to the next generation.

4. To create a “family of God” experience in every Seventh-day Adventist church.

5. To empower families for winsome witness.

Read more details on our General Conference Ministry Website

“The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.  He will fulfill the desire of those who fear (honour) Him; He also will hear their cry and save them.”

Psalm 145:18-19 – New King James Version

Some Helpful Links


Our Church
Please check our Church library for resources you will find helpful for the phase of life you find yourself in.

Family Resources
Axis-Connecting Parents, Teens & Jesus…

Alberta Health Services
Your Health
Programs & Services Calgary Zone
Programs & Services Provincial 

Real Family Talk

Real Family Talk with Willie & Elaine Oliver is a weekly 30-minute TV show on The Hope Channel! Watch past episodes or find a station online!

Share With Us What Has Worked for you

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I have the privilege of driving my daughter to school and take this time to talk with her about deep topics, spiritual topics and topics that are heavy on her heart. Because I took the time to establish rapport with her from a young age it has been a fairly easy transition to talk with her about the more “That’s none of your business” stuff or the stuff parents and teens generally don’t share. Having my daughter in the car creates a captive audience and because she knows I will listen she (though it has taken me a while for me to learn to zip my mouth and not rush to fix the situation or offer advice), most often she will share with me. We use the time to pray together asking God to use each of us to encourage and brighten someone’s day. I feel blessed to have her confidence and to know her heart.
