Is American on the verge of collapse?
The United Sates is the wealthiest, most powerful nation that has ever existed. Its rise was no accident. It was formed out of hundreds of specific events that started 3,000 years before the adoption of the U.S. Constitution. But today, is the strength of this nation eroding?
Did the Bible see it coming? Will America be history’s final empire?
Opening Session:
Thursday, January 23, 2020 at 7:00PM
Republic Rising
History tells us that when Christoper Columbus set sail, he already knew the world was not flat. So, what was he really doing on his quest? We’ll look at the evidence that points to Columbus’ true goals, his deep convictions, and a journey that he believed was driven by the Hand of God.
Session 2: Friday, January 24, 2020 at 7:00PM
Christianity Corrupted
The Christian religion, a faith founded in humility, quickly became a powerful and tyrannical institution that imposed its will throughout Europe for hundreds of years. Then through a string of historical events, a new movement began—a search for a more biblical Christianity. Could it all be a coincidence or was it part of a bigger plan?
Session 3: Saturday, January 25, 2020 at 7:00PM
The Earth Opens Up
While Western Europe was in spiritual turmoil, in a far-off land, and against all odds, a biblical model for a manmade government was developing. But with no real power, how could a new republic in direct defiance of the Church of Europe survive? See for yourself the undeniable accounts of divine intervention surrounding the birth of America.
Session 4: Sunday, January 26, 2020 at 7:00PM
America’s Last Stand
The prophecies found in Daniel and Revelation have predicted empires throughout history. But has the Bible also predicted the birth of America? Do biblical prophecies have answers for what is happening in our world today? Examine the evidence and decide for yourself.
All Sessions Held at:
Calgary Central Church
1920 13 AVE NW, Calgary, AB
Free to Attend
Free Book & Study Guides
Free Childcare (Ages 5-10)
In this brand new book, Final Empire Shawn Boonstra takes the reader on a historical journey which provides a distinct perspective on America in Bible prophecy. As you follow the events that shaped America, you will see the evidence that this is a country founded on the principle of religious liberty, and hear what we need to do to maintain our freedoms today.
Shawn Boonstra
Shawn Boonstra is the speaker for the Voice of Prophecy media ministry. His clear grasp of Scripture and keen understanding of current events will give you peace of mind in a troubled world, and his warm, dynamic presentations will inspire you. Shawn has shared the gospel on six continents to hundreds of thousands of individuals over the last two decades. Pastor Boonstra will be presenting his portion of each session by video.
Following each video experience, a Pastor from our Church will moderate the group discussion. Relying on the study guide provided to each participant for that session, your moderator will explore the topic by digging into specific relevant Scripture passages. Each moderator is an experienced Bible teacher with a deep understanding of the material, who will help it come alive through the group discussion.